Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Animal Testing!

Companies that DO NOT test on animals:

Companies that DO test on animals:

How do your products measure up?
You'll be surprised!!


  1. What’s the point in testing on animals if the companies are only doing it to change the results? Why bother? I think all animal testing should be illegal. Especially for beauty products, it’s not like they’re going to save some one’s life. Just use a different kind of shampoo.

  2. I'm shocked to learn so many companies have involvement in animal testing. The embarrassing part is many of the companies and products listed I purchase. I need to make a better effort to check and make sure what I'm buying and using isn't at the expense of innocent animals. Wow the list just went on and on! I thought companies were steering away from that practice, but I can see it is worse then I would've ever imagined.

  3. I never realized how many companies that I use test on animals. I put this up there with beating the baby seals to death. It takes a sick person to be able to hurt another living being, human or not. I don't understand what the point of the testing is. In this day an age I think we shoudl be able to tell if a product is harmful whitout having to test and hurt or kill an animal.

  4. I dont see a point in animal testing. If we think it's harmful to humans then it would be harmful to aniamls aswell. Animals are "people" too. Just because they speak other languages or look different doesnt mean we should treat them like ntohing. They have feelings too, and I'm pretty sure putting on harmful substances and dieing isn't what you want, so why would they..?


  5. In reality we are all animals. Rights are rights, and we should all be held with the same rights.

  6. I have a crazy question! Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I can find deodorant, toothpaste, bar soap, and dog/cat food that are popular sold in store brands, but that don't come from companies that test on animals? I've been making a list of products that I can start using to replace the ones I have been that test on animals, but these items I'm having trouble with.

  7. Kate, there are vegan stores. Try googling it. Even Whole Foods may carry that stuff. By the way Kate, email me on my SCC email when you have a chance.

  8. I feel that animals should not be tested on because they are humans as well. If you can't test it on a human being then find another way other than animals. Just because they can't stand-up and talk the way we do, doesn't mean they don't have feeling and know whats going on. We have to be the voice for these animals, so the madness can stop.

  9. Why do companies test their products on animal. Couldn't they make a robot with all the qualities of an animal and do testing on that over, and over again. In this age of a new and improved cell phone coming out every other month, I know they can find a better way, Could testing on animals be cheaper? Maybe these companies feel animal do not have any rights or no one to speak up for them. Shame on them!

  10. Do these companies that do not test on animal get any kind of government credit? There should be a benefit for companies that decide not to test on animals. Maybe if there was more of a montery benefit, more companies would sign up.

  11. I didn't know there were so many products that use animals for testing. This makes me sick to my stomach. I went on the PETA site ( and there are petitions you can sign and see other video about cruelty to animals. Its worth to print the list of cruelty-free products because every purchase you make from that list PETA receives 5-10%. They are helping saving these poor animals.

  12. It is ashame that so many companies still do animal testing when there are so many alternitives. It is nice to see that some companies to matters into there own hands and use the alternitives instead of harming animals. Hopefully more companies will do the same in the near future.

  13. I feel that animal testing does have its purpose. If the testing is done to save peoples lives and discover new drugs that are more effective for human health, than I understand why it is done. I don't think animal testing should be done for cosmetic reasons. There are other alternatives that can be used for cosmetic reasons.

  14. Wow, I'm shocked and disgusted. I can not believe so many companies use animals for testing. I halfheartedly did not believe there were that many. I agree with you, it should be completely illegal to test on animals. I can't believe still to this day that it is not. =[

  15. I guess changing my choice of shampoo and toothpaste needs to change. I agree with many of the comments above, in today's world we should have an alternative route to take instead of harming something as innocent as animals.

  16. I totally agree cosmetic testing on animal should be illegal, there is other alternative.

  17. changing products won't be sudden, but i will pay close attention to the companies that participate in animal testing

  18. @ dottiesmith, while i will agree that animal testing has its purpose lets not forget that there are other alternatives such as episkin vitro testing.

  19. @christina, yes koodos to the companies who has choosen the alternatives provided to them

  20. @maxine Grahm you would think doing the right thing should warrant a reward let me know if you they do.

  21. I believe that animal testing in some ways are needed and some are not, I am in between on the feelings, I mean we even use humans, hence where we get clinical trials

  22. @abby I am with you on the cosmetic products its not benefiting anyone but the creator.

  23. @ R. Sutton rights are rights but all in all companies test on humans also. One way is in the smallpox vaccine. It was first tested on humans.

  24. @ Dottie Smith I agree with you. We have found beneficial medical information this way. For example before testing on animals it was onces believed that the veins carried air.

  25. I also feel that it’s not right but it comes down to the way people think in certain situations do you sacrifice the few for the many? Also if there were a new technique that they would save your child's life more or less everyone would feel the same way for their kids so you would experiment on a another person/animal before you allow them to let your child die. Its all in the ways of thinking, but cosmetics like I said earlier have to real medical benefits.

  26. There are many alternatives now a days. And about 96% or so of the testing is done for cosmetics, so that leaves only a little bit of the testing done for medical reasons. How does that make sense? And many of the procedures (I think about 90%) then fail once they get to the human phase anyway, so we're torturing and killing animals for no reason. AND even if we do make some advancements, who are we to use another species just because they can't talk or get away? Plus there haven't been any medical advancements in a years. We are basically kidnapping them and stealing their lives. Think about if you were born as the animal; you wouldn't want it done to you!

  27. The list of companies that use animals for testing is really to long. I know it has opened my eyes to the products that i use in my own home. Just like i am going to look into changing my makeup brand and some other things in my home because i do not think i will be able to continue to put on make up now that i know a poor animal was being tortured for it. And just like aveeno cream really so this lotion i am putting on my skin a poor animal had to be tortured so i am not dry. This is horrible and i agree the companies that do not use animal testing should be rewarded.

  28. I only agree with animal testing if there is no other alternative and it is in efforts to save lives. I do not agree with animal testing for beauty products. It is not necessary to put the animals through this for our vanity.

  29. Animal testing is inhumane and should be illegal. Those poor animals have no input as to what happens to them, and they often have to endure cruel and painful procedures, only to end up injured or dead in the end!!! It's wrong, and I don't advocate it!!

  30. I was actually really surprised at how long the "do not test on animals" list was. I always assumed that list was short. I don't agree with animal testing for many reasons. I believe just because something does not speak our language does not mean it doesn't deserve the same respect. I find it inhumane as well. I understand it is used to test out certain drugs and what not, but an animals reaction and a humans reaction can be very different. I feel like it should be outlawed.

  31. I never realized how much animal testing there is with so many everyday products. I think this is truly can someone hurt innocent animals in such a careless way? We need to come together and put an end to this torture.

  32. I found it odd how many toothpaste companies tested on animals. It seems like a harmless enough product but maybe they're testing higher concentrations of flouride and other chemicals to see their effects.

  33. I think that consumers are most likely unaware that there are so many companies that do not test on amimals. If it was advertised more through television or radio then people would be more likely to buy from them.

  34. john
    I totally agree with animal testing only if there is no other alternative for medical purpose. I personally think that is very unethical to harm other animals in other to make money because, studies had showned in the past that all these drugs companies and the so-called scientiest claims works effectively in animals such as rats endup with no better outcome in humans, is it not murderer?because they cannot speak up? it has stop now and we all can do it together.

  35. Wow! there are so many companys that do this type of testing that its hard to even buy a product that dosent. There should be a store that only sells products that are listed as free from animal testing and foods that are guaranteed to be organically and naturally raised. Without the cost atleast after all that is the main force behind everything here isnt it, PROFITS.

  36. Its funny how the media tries to make us believe that so many companies are trying to avoid animal testing products but after looking at this list you can see that we still have a long way to go about preventing animal testing. Its even worst to see the companies that use animal testing for non-health related products like the shampoos and fur, etc.

  37. john said
    I agree with abbey, if the testing of animals those not produced any positive outcome, why not stop the abuse and killing of more animals.

  38. After viewing the list, I pay attention to the products I buy, making sure that i am not supporting companiesthat abuse animals.

  39. i feel animals have rights too.if you want to see if products work you try it on you and see what the outcome is. we already kill animals for food. why torture animals with harmful products that you dont know what will happen if it doesnt you can killed an innocent animal that could of had an happy life without you coming in to their habitat and messing things all up.

  40. I think it is so humanely wrong how they test on animals, and those poor defenceless creatures have no voice to stand up for themselves:/ The way they torture animals with cosmetics, and other products is wrong and just makes no sense. animals for one have different gentic make-up and dna then we do , so i dont understand what the point of testing on the animals is... its just plain CRUEL. Why dont they just tet on humans or something.

  41. @Burgandy (or whoever else is interested), a good company that doesn't test on animals OR use animal by-products in their products is Arbonne. Crazy to know that a lot of the stuff we use actually has animal products in them, so they're not only tested on animals, we're also smearing the by-products on our faces and all, ewww!

  42. wow. all this information is to much to take in! this is outrageous

    TaShanna Parker

  43. I read somewhere that over 70 million animals are blinded, maimed, scalded, force-fed chemicals, genetically manipulated, and otherwise hurt and killed during animal testing. That is ridiculous because they only test most cosmetic products to see how harmful they are (as opposed to how beneficial). I do not support this nonsense in any way. Animals do not have a voice to decline, which is why I don't believe they should be used. People have a voice to decline, and if proposed with the question of helping out with cosmetic and medical studies, most of us would decline ; so why wouldn't animals if given the opportunity? I think they would. To know that so many companies support animal testing is disgusting to me.

    -Bria Kinder

  44. I think it is wrong to test animals. It is just not right how we go about and use them the way we do. If they had a voice I am positive that they would not volunteer for half of the things we test animals for.

    Francis Yangello

  45. if the items are designed and made for humans then they should be tested on humans Period

    Nicole Knight

  46. It is wrong to do test on animals. If you know certain things are harmful to us humans, then the same should apply for animals. Now however if the test is not dangerous or harmful then i think its alright to use a animal.

    -Dominick Perry

  47. Animals are innocent living beings who do not have the option on whether or not they would like to be involved in testings. These tests can kill these poor animals and I believe that animal testing is wrong.!

  48. I believe all animal testing is wrong. Anything that could be harmful towards humans should not be tested on innocent animals who don't have a choice or say. It's a shame that are so many other ways companies can test products or medicine and instead these use animals because it's saving them money, which is the only thing they care about.

    Kirsten Rebyak

  49. Wow I was really suprised to see some of the known names on the list for animal testing. I mean, Air Wick? What about an air freshener would require testing on animals? I just think some of these things are really ridiculous and don't even need to be tested on any living thing for that matter.

    -Ashley Morris

  50. You have a right to say ya or nay, and yet an animal does not. If an animal could have a say in whether they will or will not volunteer, than it would be a different situation, but they do not.

    Melinda Wine

  51. Wow, it's really amazing how many companies my family and i buy from test on animals. It's so hard to not want to buy these products, but finding out that they test them first on animals is heartbreaking. We all need to become more aware of what companies are doing and try and give the animals a voice that they do not have.

    Jessica Immediato

  52. In my opinion animals have rights. In today’s times they have organizations dedicated to the protection and rights of animals. If animals could communicate with humans on an intelligent level they would disagree with being tested on. I do however agree with animals being tested on for health reasons. For example if the human existence endures an outbreak. I assume to find a cure; animals have to be tested on before human trials. I for one am an animal lover. I have owned pets in the past including fish and dogs. All of my pets were well cared for due to the fact they were never sick, disobedient or rarely ran away. I am against certain animal testing for human gain.
    Due to the fact that animals have rights they should not be tested on. Animals don’t want to be used for beauty or cosmetic purposes. It’s not fair that animals which don’t have a voice have to be tested on. It doesn’t even make sense that companies are putting harmful substances in our products. The products we buy should be safe to both animals and humans. I feel as though it’s very selfish to use harmless rats, mice, rabbits, among other animals as a punching bag. We as people should use our technology to save animals not harm or hurt them. As a consumer I try to purchase items that are all natural. I don’t want to be affiliated with the death of an animal just to have shiny hair or a new type of nail polish. I have a conscience and it always seems to get the best of me. Hence animal texting come down to what is right and wrong……ethics

    Camille Nicole D.

  53. One thing that I noticed when I was looking through the lists of products that are tested on animals is that there are somethings that I use everyday that I would never guess were tested on animals. My Aveeno moisturizer for example because I really see no reason to have to test it on animals considering it does't contain things like drugs or chemicals. I do however believe that things like medications and medical procedure should be tested on animals but in a very humane way.

    Ryann Dyer

  54. Animals should be used for testing. I feel like it is a waste of time plus it can be very harmful to the animal. Would you want someone putting stuff on you to see how you react to it? No.

    1. Animals should be used for testing. I feel like it is a waste of time plus it can be very harmful to the animal. Would you want someone putting stuff on you to see how you react to it? No.

      Octavia Adams

  55. I agree completely with the " animal don't deserve to be tested on " with companies such as Aveeno or Air Wick, that's silly, why you do you need to test animals? There is enough medicines in the world that you could test these things on people who are willing and if there is a reaction it can be taken care of.. it shouldn't be, if there is a reaction just throw the animal in the trash.

    But, as far as for medicines and things that actually matter (not hairspray and make up) i think that animal testing is the only way to go.. I think that it should be done in a humane way, and as long as it's for a legitimate reason, it needs to be done.


  56. Wow, I can't believe the amount of things I/we use on a daily basis that are being tested on animals. Isn't there a different way to test these things? There are some circumstances where it might be ok like if it is necessary for health reasons then as long as it is "humane" but It is not right to torture animals just so that women can throw on ten pounds of makeup a day. Cleaning supplies?..why not test them on humans? I bet people wouldn't be so up for it then.

  57. No animal deserves to be tested on. If they had a voice I’m sure they would not volunteer. These products are made for humans so they should be tested on humans. Although some animals have similar DNA, they do not react the same way as a human would. Cosmetic testing on animals should be outlawed. Until we find better test subjects for medical testing’s animals will still have to be used. I know animals go through immense pain during medical testing’s, but in the long run these animals save human lives.
    Joseph Tighe

  58. Animals should not be tested for cosmetic reasons. We have enough cosmetics we do not need anymore because it is harming animals. I had no idea that on a daily bases we use so many cosmetics that was tested on by animals, thats horrible. Also I feel that animals should not be tested on for medical reasons because the success rate is not high enough, not even close. Animals also aren't human so their reactions to medicine might be different then a humans reaction. Now that I have seen the list of companies that abuse the animals for testing I will no longer be using their products. This needs to stop.

    Tiffany Yeich

  59. Animals have feelings just like a person does and being locked up in a room or in one building for their entire life to be tested on is wrong. I understand that some things need to be tested before they are given to people. I Love animals but i also believe that a human life is worth more than an animal. With that being said Medicine needs to be tested on something that is pretty close to a human, and sadly that is an animal. Cosmetic reasons are just not good enough to be testing an animal. These companies should not be putting anything in our cosmetic products that would harm us in anyway,anyway.

    ~Stacie Hill

  60. I dont see the point in testing on animals and also think it should be illegal. Who's to say that just because something doesn't harm an animal it won't harm a human? Animals can't volunteer themselves to be tested on, humans can. I think that if its such a big deal to have all of these unnecessary cosmetic products that those people who think its "necessary" should go volunteer themselves to be tested on because it is not right to treat animals this way.

  61. Testing on animals is stupid, understand why its dont but i dont agree. We should be trying to find a something that will simulate the human body and organs, so we will know even better and more accuratly how drugs and cosmetics will effect humans and not have to test on animals. just becuase something doest harm animals also doesnt guarentee it wont harm us. And these animals dont have a choice they dont have to sign waviers or voluntier to do these tests, they are forced. Use prisoners on death row, they are gonna sit in jail until they die anyways, what do they have to loose. There must be a better way.

  62. I belive no animal should be put at risk for cosmetic reasons.I can not believe howselfish human being have become. That is why we want what is good for us at someone else cost.that why we can not live in peace with one another becouse we can not treat the animal that look up to us better.shame on all the people who are working on animals for cosmetic reasons.
    Mercy K

  63. I didn't realize how many companies test on animals.Sadly,I used to think animal testing was okay. It wasn't until I seen the severity of the harm and cruelty done to these animals that I became against it. It's just not moral.
    Lyneisha Watts

  64. I didn't realize how many companies test on animals.Sadly,I used to think animal testing was okay. It wasn't until I seen the severity of the harm and cruelty done to these animals that I became against it. It's just not moral.
    Lyneisha Watts

  65. I think animal testing shouldn't be used for cosmetic or for medical. Animals don't have a choice to be tested on or not. It is our responsibility to be their voice. The scientists that are experimenting on these animal don't care for the animal at all. They'll punch them and yell at them when they didn't want to be involved in the first place. It sickens me to think that humans are so cruel to animals.
    -Rachel Aronson

  66. I look at some animal testing as a good thing because a mistake can honestly turn into a miracle. I sort of think if some testing how thomas edison puts it. He didn't just find one way to work a light bulb but over a thousand ways not to make a light bulb. Some testing that is done to animals i truly believe is unnessecary and just shouldn't even be tested in the first place. On another note if what we are testing is going to be used on humans, shouldnt us humans be the ones tested on?
    Paige Johnson

  67. i now look on the back of every product i use to see if it has been tested on animals. i never realized all the things that have been.... its a shame.

  68. Proud customer of Lush since 2004. Not only are they cruelty-free, but thy are environmentally friendly, too.

    - Jay

  69. Animal testing, a bad thing? Yes and no. This is a very touchy subject so I'll just begin. If the testing is for the sake of humans and it might potentially put the animal in any kind of pain it shouldn't be done since each animal reacts differently to these 'experiments'. Now say we need animal testing to save that certain animal because there's a disease spreading among them we don't know how to cure yet, then by all means let that one animal be the hero to millions.

    - Robert H.

  70. I find it difficult to really stick to one side of the animal testing controversy. It is sad that so many animals are harmed, but much bigger problems could arise if testing of pharmaceuticals did not take place. However, animal testing for cosmetic products is whole different story and should not be allowed.

    Rachel Layton

  71. I never realized how many of products I use are tested on animals, such as L'Oreal, Aveeno, and Coppertone. I know that each new product must be tested before it can be sold, but using animals as testing dummies should be prohibited. There are other ways that products can be tested without harming innocent animals or people. Companies need to find a different way to make sure their product is safe.

    Emily Murschell

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. I think my views on animal testing would be different if I knew that the animals being tested were treated in a humane way. But the doctors in the labs truly don't care about the animal's well-being. After watching a video from my views have changed and im completely against animal testing.

  73. I agree with Allison but to no offense no animal life is worth more then a humans. Im personally against animal testing in a cosmetic sense but from a health and scientific point im actually for it. It could possibly in the end save human lives. But cosmetically wise its just absolute Cruelty.


  74. I never considered that most of the products that I use do animal testing even the creams that I use for my son skin. But I wonder if there are certain products that can be used that don't do animal testing.

    Felicia Simmons

  75. Animal testing should be abolished period.

  76. I did not know that so many of the products that I use everyday are tested on animals. I think animal testing is absolutely terrible and if there are alternatives to animal testing these companies should be using them for sure. These companies act like animals do not have feelings and that they are not living, breathing beings.
    -Jessica Scull

  77. I do not support animal testing at all. Animals are on this earth and living just the way us humans are so I think it is cruel and unfair to take a life away from an animal just for testing. I think there are way better ways to test something besides torturing innocent animals.

    Zach McDonough

  78. I have mixed feelings about testing animals. As bad as it might be if the animals are helping us find ways to get over colds I cant be mad. Now if they are being killed by the different things put into their bodys then i dont agree with that. It is wrong to do if we know its going to have a negative effect.

    1. i agree with you will... if it helps us out then i am all for it... but if they are being killed by things put into their bodys then i cant agree, its just wrong. most of the time, they know if the test is going to hurt them before they test in the first place... if its an early stage chemical that they are testing for the first time, most of the time its gonna be a bad result...
      Nik Tarabicos

  79. Animal testing is wrong! I don't care what its for, its wrong. Animals dont have a voice so we should give them one, people need to stand up to animal testing and proect animals. There are other ways to find out if things are effective then testing animals.

    brianna ottinger

  80. they test mr. clean products on animals? theyre not even supposed to come into contact with humans, so why are they testing the products on any living thing at all?

  81. How do you test clorox on an animal? Rub it on it? They should do us all a favor and just perform these tests on themselves. I don't even wanna know how they test the drano.

    Alec Gruetter

    1. I 100 percent agree. How can any respectable company, such as clorox, think that animal testing of their products is ok? It is not ok it is torture!
      Amber Seibert

  82. I can't believe how many companies test on animals, and they're mostly cosmetic products. It's truly a shame.

  83. i think animal testing is good for medical purposes only. people can do with cosmetics but not medications. i would also suggest that they finish with the product and are very sure of it before testing it on animals. this is because i do the agree with them test animals with anything that comes in their minds.

    1. i agree with you all the way... only for medical purposes should animals be tested on. and making sure of the product before you test on animals should be done 100% of the time... i dont see how they can do it any other way.
      Nik Tarabicos

  84. i believe it should only be used for medical stand point. if it can better the human race i am for it, but i do not agree with animal testing for cosmetic reasons
    -Davey Sutton

  85. There is so much technology out there now a days that we should be able to test chemicals out on things other than animals... the only way that i would be okay with animals being tested on is if it was a 100% guarantee that it would not affect the animal in any negative way... obviously this isnt the case so animal testing is just out of the question... its wrong and cruel...
    Nik Tarabicos

  86. Selman G.

    I think testing testing medicine and/or cosmetic products on animals is worst thing you can do to those lively beings. Also, we are not the ones who gave them their lives and I do not think we could be the one to take those lives.

  87. It will be a shame if we testing animals for cosmetic products because it is not necessary. We have to accept the way of God creation to us.
    I agree only for medical purposes should animals be tested on because it will save us from many diseases, and if there is someone in your family has any kind of illness, you will understand what I am talking about.
    I am agree with the quote that says that the end justifies the means.

  88. I can't believe that some of the items that are tested on animals, are in my house. That will definitely change! Animals shouldn't have to suffer for our needs!
    -Angela C

  89. Here's an idea. lets get all of those people out there who abuse their body with drugs for fun and replace them with these animals. I think these all of the products that we use should be tested on humans who are willing to do this. after all, we are the ones who use everything.Believe it or not, I have more sympathy for those animals who get run over by vehicles than those who die from drinking and driving.

    -Mitulbhai Patel

  90. I understand that drugs are not able to be tested on humans (unless they allow it), But some of the measures these companies take and the things they do to test these animals is really sad. They are killing for no reason, and i think its more abuse than testing!

  91. I have a different feeling about this. I totally agree that animals should not be abused in any form. But what I do believe is that I would rather see the effects of a drug on an animal such as a rat then a person. What other way would we know what certain drugs do?
    -Joey Bancer

  92. Animal testing is something that is completely unneeded and cruel. No animal possesses the same anatomy or reactions that a human being would. These are predictions of the human trials and normally inaccurate.

  93. Animal testing should be banned. This is a disgrace that such action is tested on animals. Why can't we figure another way for testing?!

  94. I never really had an opinion on animal testing until now after attending my first semester here at GCC. After reading about some of the things that are done to the countless amount of innocent animals, I would have to say I disagree with what they are doing. There are plenty of alternatives to use instead of testing on animals now-a-days.
    -Carlos Jimenez

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Animal testing is not always right, because it dose not give the same result as it is on the humans. But either way it is not right to test on the animals and never care about their rights to at least live their life normally.
    but human could test on animals the medicine that saves them from big daises but not the cosmetic products.

  97. I believe that animal testing for the purpose of medical research is the only way to justify it. For makeup and other products, it is sick.

  98. Animal testing for the bettering of medicine and science I believe is okay, as long as the research is done humanely. Animal testing for things like cosmetics is horrible and animals should not be treated that way.

    Karly Turner

  99. Wow alot of the products I use test on animals. Animal testing is so wrong. I don't understand how people can do these kinds of things to innocent animals. Do they think that the animals don't feel any pain? Or are they just that heartless. I will defitnely go buy cruelty-free products from now on.

  100. Animal testing is wrong if they are using axe or shampoo to put in their eyes and all of that other stuff. Why do you need to test it on animals. There shouldnt be testing of anything.

  101. This is very helpful! I'm printing this out. Usually I only by my products homemade from people I know will not test on animals or put strange things in the products. Sometimes though, it's hard to get everything online. This will be helpful for if I need something at the drugstore.

  102. This is so wrong there are people willing to be experimented on some companies pay to trials and studies .leave these damn animals alone.

  103. It's wrong to test the products on animals since the companies dont know the outcome of it until they test it. BUt we have enough technology to make like a fake dummy or something where you can test your products so those animals dont get hurt.

  104. Vincent Wood

    Animal testing is wrong across the board. Nobody can tell me that there is a reason to test on animals. Bad part is, the people that are testing on animals, are getting sued because, what they thought that they had tested, did harm to somebody. So im saying, all across the board, its wrong.

  105. Animal testing for the purpose of cosmetics is really messed up. In many cases, cosmetic testing is even more severe than medical testing, something way more serious. All cosmetic animal testing should be illegal, as we are using and harming living creatures for the beautification of ourselves. -Sara Donnachie

  106. I am by all means not an expert on animal testing. My first reaction is that it sounds horrible. Are there other options to assure these products are safe to use on humans?

  107. I think animal testing is wrong, but there is no other way to test somethings. When the animals become merely pieces of meat that scientist pump drugs into is when everything becomes bad. There needs to be a higher regulation on testing put into place.

  108. Surprisingly, most of the products I use are on the list of companies that do test on animals. I feel more informed now, because I do not believe in animal testing. There's got to be alternative methods to testing products. Having the list of companies that do not test on animals is very helpful!
    -Kristen Gehret

  109. I never knew all the companies that test on animals. Thank you for the list. Going to pay more attention to the things I purchase from now on. I think animal testing is wrong, and the laws for animal testing to be changed. The companies should be charged a fine for do such.

  110. It doesnt bother me if an animal is being used to test shampoos or something. Theyre providing a service.

  111. AWWWW man! I liked Johnson & Johnson too! My skin always felt smooth after putting on their lotion. I don't know if I'll stop using this might take me awhile.

  112. Gabrielle RichardsonJune 11, 2012 at 1:08 PM

    If they dont use animals to test a product. How will we know if its safe for humans? I guess they will have to try it for themselves.. What else can we use?

  113. Using animals as test subjects for cosmetics and other items is just downright wrong. If not every company is using animals as test subjects, then none of them should. What they do to animals just to test their products is terrible and needs to be stopped.

  114. how about this use safe all natural products them there would be no need to test on anyone. and to use animals is crazy. and abusing animals leads to other more cruel things maybe cruelty to people.



    ENG 101

  116. i think that products should be tested on humans. if a person is to scared to try their own product than it shouldnt be made.

    mary stigliano

  117. I never knew that websites that did and did not test on animals existed. This is eye opening and very interesting. I would like to start trying to buy products from more companies that do not test on animals.

    -Eric Brandt
    COM 101

    1. Animal testing, in my opinion is terrible. If the creator doesn't think its safe to try on humans, they have a lot more work to do before they should be ready to even test it. Human products should be tested on humans. The ONLY products that should be tested on animals are products intended for them.
      Joshua Squires

  118. animal testing is down right horrible. Its horrible that we have to experiment on animals for our own benefits. scientists should have an idea what is safe and what is not safe before testing should done. animals shouldnt be used for this testing. Prisioners with life sentences should be the test dummies

  119. animal testing is so wrong it shouldnt be allowed they should test on humans since we can atleast give consent test the stuff on people on death row or something not animals that can be youre pets
    nick tucci
    com 101

  120. The part that truely disturbs me is that these animals are bred specifcally to be used as test subjects. What a pointless waste of life.

  121. Arbonne offers really great products for men, women, and babies. The products have NO harmful ingredients and aren't tested on animals or contain any animal by-products. Plus they actually work and won't go into your graveyard of cosmetics and household products after you buy them.

    You can shop at:

    Use the ID# 19276780

    *Melissa Norbeck

  122. There are some good companies that don't use animals for testing that is a good thing. Animals are not for testing. Other companies should learn that animals are not for testing

  123. There are some good companies that don't use animals for testing that is a good thing. Animals are not for testing. Other companies should learn that animals are not for testing

  124. There are some good companies that don't use animals for testing that is a good thing. Animals are not for testing. Other companies should learn that animals are not for testing

  125. If we do not testing with animals, we might never have developed as well as cosmetics even perhaps to our health. Of course inhumane animal experiments for the benefit of people is a bad idea. However, it is the fact that a medicine could advance through animal testing in medicine. can we do this testing to human if we do not do this to animal?

  126. I was reading through the list of companies that do not test on animals and honestly I have not heard of most of them. I feel like in order to find products that are not tested on animals you have to kind of search verses just going to store. I think that if these products were advertised more people would change their products. If people switch their products it might make other companies want to change their ways and stop testing on animals.

    Melissa F.

  127. I was very surprised with how many companies actually use animals to perform testing on. I do not agree with animal testing. I believe their are other resources and mechanisms that can be used. Animal testing is very unethical and a waste of time, pain and money. We have people sitting in prison for doing crimes like rape and murder and we are paying millions to shelter, feed and cloth them. They should be used to provide these tests on, not innocent animals.
    Joshua G.

  128. The list of companies that do not test on animals is very beneficial from me. Now I know which brands to shop for. Thanks it was very helpful.

    Bethany S.

  129. I am happy to see all of the companies that do not test on animals. I was also happy to see that the list was recently updated. Most of the time when I look on the net for a list, it was usually posted back in 2003. Thank you for having updated information.

  130. Thanks for a list for non tanimal testing products. I will be more aware of what I am buying.

    Misty F.

  131. That is crazyyyyy!!! some of these companies I would never think of animal testing... Now that I know this, I will never purchase these items.... There has to be other way to do testing on animals...rose golda

  132. I would have to see out HOW these companies are testing these animals. Shampoo, conditioner, lotion, external body products I think would be acceptable to a point. They not testing on humans but people are the ones using them, does this only make sense to me. ......... D Robinson CSC115

  133. I am glad I read through both of the blogs because now I know what products that I use now that test on animals and I am going to start making sure I only buy products that are not tested on animals. There are some products that I had no idea they would even test on animals.

  134. Ever since i researched this topic i found out that alot of products in our everyday life. I look for the bunny stamp on products to know that they are not tested on animals. All companies should stop the testing.
    Melissa Lawlor

  135. Thank you for posting this. A lot of people don't know about the bunny stamp on products that let's you know they do not do animal testing. I am glad that you posted the websites for everyone. Now hoping that people use them and change their products. Thank you for your post.

    1. Rheena, I agree I did not know about the bunny stamp, nor did my wife. She will be doing her weekly shopping tomorrow, and will be looking for the bunny stamp. You are right I am glad that information was posted.

  136. Thank you for posting both lists. I have always wanted to know which companies do and do not test on animals so I know which products to buy and support in their efforts not to test their products on animals. I want to share these websites with friends and family so they can help support companies that do not test their products on animals. I feel the companies that do not test their products on animals need to be recognized more in their efforts to save animals from testing under cruel conditions.

    -Danielle G.

  137. Oh my gosh, L'Oreal tests on animals... I had no clue.
    I use this brand every day.
    I am speechless.
    Even though testing on animals is horrible, the fact that the mascara makes my eyelashes look amazing makes me still use it.

    1. Hi Kelsey, is there another product you could use or company that does not use animal testing? Just a thought, I am not judging you.
      Patrick S.

    2. I have tried other products but I cannot seem to get the same effect on my eyelashes compared to other brands. Thanks for the idea, though!

  138. I am surprised to see how many large companies are still testing on animals. Espically with all the research that has already been done. Enough with the testing.

    1. Patrick, I think by reading the big list of companies that DO NOT test on animals it is showing that we are heading in a better direction. I was pleased to know some of the "green" products on the market are using the "not tested on animals" criteria to call themselves "green". We are trying to protect the environment, and try to use products that reduce waste, that do not contaminate our water supply, and we should also make sure the products we use do not harm animals (in the making of the product and the using of the product). We have a long way to go...but I think we are headed in the right direction. Desiree S.

    2. Desiree, I agree 100 percent. I have seven wonderful grandchildren. I would love to see them grow up in a world that is clean and green.
      Patrick S.

    3. See reply above

  139. I glad I barely wear any make up with how much animals are test with the beauty products.
    Samantha G-SCC

    1. Samantha,
      Check out the other list of companies that do not test on animals. There are alot of cosmetic companies listed on there, as well as other everyday consumables.
      Patrick S.

  140. Classmates, I was checking out different sites on this web site, and came across some pretty horrific material. I was unaware of the abuse on animals. If want a real wake up call, check out a video "Fur Farms Caught on Video". If you have a weak stomach, just read the articles and chances are you will think twicew about buying or wearing fur.
    Patrick S.

    1. Patrick, I'm having a hard time watching these videos.... But, I will tell you, years ago you could purchase fur lined and fur collared coats at major stores like Macy's, JC Penny's etc. You don't see them sold anymore. I think we are more conscious about what we buy and where it came from. I mean you still see fur coats at specialty fur stores, but they seem to have disappeared from the local market. We can almost reproduce the feel of fur through synthetic materials now. I think (hope) we will some day see an end to the use of animal fur in clothing.
      Desiree S.

    2. Desiree,
      I agree about the videos, I have spent thirty years in emergency services. I have seen alot of horrific events in my career. I could not believe the way these animals were being mutilated. I never knew that this practice was going on. I can tell you one thing, this course has opened my eyes to a whole new world. Thank you for the reply.
      Patrick S.

  141. A lot of the products I use are on the non-testing list. I am sure that a lot we have around the house are on the testing list, I have not gotten that far yet. This list makes me want to watch what I buy and make sure to give no profit to the companies that think it is okay to be so cruel to animals when testing their products.

    1. Jseehousz,
      I was talking to my wife about this assignment. Sunday is her shopping day. I showed her the lists and she wrote down alot of the names. Upon returning from her shopping, she stated " alot of the products are price comparable and basically have the same ingredients".

  142. Wow, this was somewhat reassuring. Twenty-five pages of companies who DO NOT perform testing on animals. Unfortunately, the list of companies who DO perform testing on animals consisted of fourteen pages, and that consists for fourteen pages to many! We have to let our voices be heard and put an end to these cruel acts. Valentina P.

  143. Valentina,
    Your voice can be heard. Sign the petitions. I would also think about buying from the companies that do animal testing. Hit them in the pockets, they will get the message.
    Patrick S.

  144. You will be glad to know Patrick, that as I came across petitions, I did sign some of them. I find it interesting that you mention to avoid purchasing products from companies that partake in animal testing. I made the exact same statement on my Animal Rights assignment. Obviously, we are in total agreement when it comes to this subject matter. Decreasing their revenue is always a productive way to get a message across. :)

  145. oh my god the list just went on and on the sad part is that most of the companies that were listed were companies with products that my family uses from day to day bases. like Johnson and Johnson the other day they on television the founder on the company or something was saying that they are using less chemicals to make it better for families and for the environment and then i see them on the list so many times its so crazy they were on their at least ten times!!!!!

  146. Alot of big name companies are on the list, however you can use other companies and their products. The results and the products are the same.
    Patrick S.

  147. Its great that on this blog websites are provided to show what companies do and do not test their products on animals. It's surprising to see what companies are on the list that do test their products on animals. Gabrielle P

  148. I was surprised to see so many companies that do testing on animals. Even though I do not own a pet or never was around one more than 20 min I do believe right is right and wrong is wrong and I don't believe they should use pets for testing

    Ashanti F scc

  149. Ugh! So many of the products I own are on the DO use animal testing list. I noticed a trend that many big name brands do test on animals and that I had not heard of the majority of the humane products.
    Emily Gardiner

    1. I agree one hundred percent. Its so eye openeing to see that all these big companies do is put on a huge front to the consumers. They show whatever commercial or spokesperson on TV to blind people from thier behind the scenes work. Its definitley opened my eyes. -Vincent Fioravanti SCC

  150. I think limited medical testing is needed but as far as cosmetic and household testing these practices should be stopped. Why should we sacrifice any life just to enhance beauty.

    1. Ashley,
      I agree with your reply, about medical testing. Bueaty is only skin deep. Great post.
      Patrick S.

    2. I agree 100% with all comments on this
      Kamisha Martins

  151. That was certainly disappointing, so many products are still tested on animals. I will have to do much more research before I buy so that I am a more informed consumer. -Lmcconnell 6/26

  152. I had no knowledge that all of those companies participate in
    animal testing. Next time I want to purchase one of their products i'll take a moment and think is the torture of animals really worth this purchase?
    Elizabeth W.

  153. This really should be stopped!!!!Too many animals over the years has been tested for product and it disgusting and heartless. Horrible!!!!


  154. I think more research should be put into this so that these companies can be able to know the effects of their products even before testing them on animals. Animals also need to live though they have no voice.

  155. It is very helpful to know which companies test on animals and which do not. I will admit that I do not put enough effort into finding out what companies test on animals.
    Taylor W.

  156. As many scientific resources we have today this should not still be happening.

  157. I find it a great resource to know that there are ethical companies still left in this world. I am glad that I now have a resource to refer back to when I would like to buy certain products. Testing animals should not be allowed with all of the technology advancements we have.

  158. I am shocked at how many companies test on animals and also how many of those brands are in my house. I feel guilty that I was so naïve to not think otherwise.

  159. I was shocked to find out how many products in my household use animal testing. Nevertheless, I fail to see how we can move beyond the testing on animals. Animals are the closest living organism to humans so it stands to reason animals would be the first choice for testing. As a former tester I can say that I tested medicine and products before the were distributed to the public and I was never harmed during this process. If a problem arose they stopped the testing, and I can only hope the same is done with animals.
    Brenda L

  160. I was appalled to see that brands I use from companies like Avon and Johnson&Johnson were on this list! This really makes me evaluate the things I buy and from what companies. I was under the impression that Johnson&Johnson did not test on animals based off of an article I read a long time ago! This really opened my eyes to how ignorant I and many are when it comes to really knowing what goes on at these companies.


  162. I was happy to see Bath and Body works on the list of "Do not test on animals" . Some favorite products come from there. I really enjoy the handsoaps, I will be looking at my hand soaps to see if they say not tested on animals. I think I will be looking at all my products more closely now.

  163. It is so important to be educated when purchasing products so that we can use our economic influence to only support companies that are cruelty free. I also buy a lot of products at Bath and Body Works and I am also very happy to realize that they are one of the good guys.

  164. It's great that their are 27 pages of companies that don't test on animals. I believe that the number will keep going up and up. I'm not sure how they would test makeup on animals. To me that seems a little weird. I did see that bath and body works has a limited collection of products that aren't tested on animals. Does that mean the rest of the products are tested on animals? I'm not sure but I hope the industries will find a better way to test their products.

  165. Its disturbing to me to see how many products I use that are tested on animals. If I had known that before I would have never started buying those products because I don't support that unfairness and cruelty! However I will change as much as I can to the products that do not test on animals.

  166. The process in wich they test many animals is the biggest disgraces of all. Botox is tested by way of LD50 (Lethal Dose 50%) The product is forcefully ingested by 100-250 animals until over 50% of them have died. This number is refferenced on the package so clinics injecting over the recommended amount are responsible for any associated law suits. Literally torturing to death to minimize profit loss. Disgusting.

  167. It would do animals a tremendous service if there was a way school curriculum plans could have essential educational classes for young children about the horrors of animal testing. What better audience than the young to grow up knowing how to form their shopping habits based on the reality of how the products made it to the market. Children are not hardened off like many adults when it comes to the plight of animals.

  168. Just like us animals have rights too and we should allow them to have their rights and not do the cruel things that we do.

  169. Just like us animals have rights too and we should allow them to have their rights and not do the cruel things that we do.

  170. It dosen't bother me if we test things on animals. We already eat them and kill them for ourselves. What's the difference.

  171. I must agree cosmetics are not that important to take a life. Animal should not be used for testing there are other alternatives.}

  172. I must agree cosmetics are not that important to take a life. Animal should not be used for testing there are other alternatives.}

  173. I feel like there may be some things that have some sort of reason to be tested on animals, if any at all, but testing for cosmetic purposes is ridiculous.

  174. I am surprised to see companies such as Johnson and Johnson or Avon on the testing list. There are companies I would have considered to have been more innovative. I am happy to see that Bath and Body Works is one the companies on the do not test list. They are very popular company and would hate to have to stop using their products. I plan on informing people about companies such as these so that people will start using more companies like Bath and Body Works and less of companies such as Avon!

  175. Animal testing for cosmetic purposes is for the profit of someone and is not necessary in my opinion.

  176. I can't believe Johnson and Johnson is on the testing list being that it was for children and is like a family oriented company. I bet if more people realized what products where on these list some would not use these products anymore.

  177. It's definitely a great sign that the 'don't test on animals' list is a lot longer than the 'does test on animals' list. But it's still worrisome that there even IS a 'does test on animals' list. Like the other people that commented, I agree that by now, testing on animals should be obsolete. There is absolutely no reason that animals should even be involved at all. The animals aren't the ones that need to spray perfume on themselves, or wear eyeliner, so why are they the ones suffering for human vanity?
    Cory Mullica SCC

  178. It is nice to know that the list of companies that don't test on animals is longer than the ones that do! I mean, it is the year 2014 and technology and just about everything else has evolved. There has to be a better, more efficient way to test products and chemical instead of on animals. Besides, makeup and such things are not a necessity in life. We don't need most of these things animals are being tested for!

    1. Also, something i did not understand was.. There were certain comments and next to their name was "Limited Brand" or "Limited products." Does that mean, not all of their products are not animals tested?
